- Employer Tags - These are assigned at the account level. When an employer registration is approved for posting on CoolWorks, they are assigned tags that apply to the company as a whole (type of business, location, housing availability, etc.). For example, a summer seasonal restaurant in Gardiner, MT that provides housing to all employees would receive the Restaurant, Montana, Yellowstone National Park, Summer, and Jobs with Housing tags.
- Job Tags - These are auto-assigned when a Job Ad is posted, or when a job is added to your Enhanced Profile Jobs List. Our system analyzes the Job Title entered, and by comparing it to our entire historical database of Job Titles, assigns the most relevant tags. For example, if an employer posts an Ad for "Sales Clerk" (or adds that Job to their Profile Jobs List), that Ad will be assigned the "Retail / Sales" tag, and will appear on our "Sales and Retails Jobs" page (along with any other pages associated with their Employer Tags).
The CoolWorks team also reviews all Individual Job Ads and Enhanced Employer Profiles when they are activated / renewed to make sure that our system is accurately categorizing new posts.
Importance of Using Your Enhanced Employer Profile Jobs List
One of the main benefits of the Enhanced Employer Profile is the ability to advertise all of your available positions in the easy to manage Jobs List. Jobs added to the Jobs List can easily be toggled Open or Closed, which change their visibility to Jobs Seekers and direct more on-target traffic to the positions you're actually hiring for.
The open jobs in your Jobs List also determine which Job Category pages your Enhanced Profile will appear on. For example, if you have a Sous Chef position in your Jobs List that is set to "Open", your Profile will appear on the "F&B Culinary Jobs Page." When you toggle that position off, your Enhanced Profile will stop appearing on that page (unless, of course, there are other Culinary Positions set to "Open" in your Jobs List).
The best practice for managing your Profile Jobs List is to add all of the jobs that you regularly hire for in a given season (housekeepers, front desk agent, servers, etc.) and toggle them between Open & Closed as your hiring needs change. This will ensure that a) your Profile is appearing on the appropriate pages and attracting the traffic you want, b) Job Seekers don't spend time applying for jobs that aren't available, and c) your team doesn't spend time reviewing applications for jobs that you aren't hiring for. Additionally, once you've added in your Jobs, you only have to do annual/seasonal maintenance by making sure the job descriptions/titles/wages are up-to-date whenever you activate or renew your Profile.
**PLEASE NOTE** - Jobs in your Profile Jobs List should be added individually - not grouped together - or else your Enhanced Employer Profile will not be accurately tagged and displayed across the CoolWorks website. I.e. If you create a job and give it a title like "All Hospitality Positions" or "Server, Housekeepers, Retail, and More!", those grouped jobs will not receive tags, and you will be losing potential on-target traffic to your Enhanced Profile.
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