One powerful feature of the Staffing Center is the ability to setup email templates for easy and quick communications to applicants and references. You can use Email Templates to quickly send standardized messages, such as Offer Letters, Notices of Rejection, Reference Requests, and any other frequent and common communication you and your team regularly use during the hiring process. This article will outline how to create, use, and edit Email Templates, and how to insert tokens that will auto-populate your messages using information about your company, the job applied for, and the application itself
*Please note, only Client Admins and Staffing Center Admins have the ability to add and edit email templates.
How to Create a New Email Template
To setup a new Staffing Center Email Template:
- Go to your Staffing Center Dashboard
- Underneath your Company Name, click the ⚙ Settings link
- Scoll down to Email Templates, and click + New Email Template
- Enter your Template Name (e.g. Offer Letter)
- Enter your email template Subject Line (e.g. Come join the team at {{ company_name }} )
- Create your Email Message and press Save
How to Use Tokens in Your Email Templates
The following is a list of available tokens that can be used to auto-populate information in your email templates:
{{ first_name }} - Fills in the applicant's First Name
{{ last_name }} - Fills in the applicant's Last Name
{{ company_name }} - Fills in your Company's Name (as it is registered with CoolWorks)
{{ department_name }} - Fills in the Department Name for the Job the applicant is currently assigned to (e.g. Restaurant, Front Desk, Retail, etc.). The Applicant must be actively assigned to a Job for this field to populate correctly.
{{ job_name }} - Fills in the Job Title that the Applicant is currently assigned to. The Applicant must be actively assigned to a Job for this field to populate correctly.
{{ application_date }} - Fills in the date that the Applicant submitted their application.
{{ position_start_date }} - Fills in the start date for the Position that the Applicant has been offered. The Applicant must be set to Offer of Hire and assigned to a specific Job Position in order for this field to populate correctly.
{{ position_end_date }} - Fills in the end date for the Position that the Applicant has been offered. The Applicant must be set to Offer of Hire and assigned to a specific Job Position in order for this field to populate correctly.
{{ sender_name }} - Fills in the name of the Staffing Center user who is sending the Email
When you are creating or editing an email template, you can use any of these tokens to auto-fill information to streamline your communication with applicants and references. You'll have the opportunity to preview and edit every message before it is sent to confirm that all of the information has populated correctly.
How to Use Email Templates
Once you have an email template(s) setup, you can start using them to send messages directly from any Application. To use an email template:
- Go to an Application that you would like to send a message from
- At the top of Applicant Dashboard, click on the → Send an Email link
- Choose the desired template from the Select an Email Template dropdown menu
- Confirm that the information has populated correctly
- If you wish to attach a file, click Choose File
- Click Send Email
How to Edit Email Templates
To edit an Email Template:
- Go to your Staffing Center Dashboard
- Underneath your Company Name, click the ⚙ Settings link
- Scoll down to Email Templates, and click Manage Email Templates
- Locate the Template you wish to change, and click the ✎ Edit link
- Make your desired updates, and click Save
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